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Gold’s GYM

Gold’s GYM

Illuminati Training Video

Over all plan laid out



The Wheel of the Year



Georgia Guide Stones

This was paid for in cash by a man named RC Christian, an obvious allusion to Christian Rosencrantz, the founder of the Rosicrucian Order.  In this monument, population reduction and control are outlined.


Yule: Corresponds to Christmas;

Imbolg: A fire Festival featuring human sacrifice. The next day is Ground Hog day where 13 men in black suits stand around a Ground hog (search the videos online);

Ostara: Easter, fertility rights and orgy;

Beltane: Also Communist May Day, a fire festival featuring human sacrifice;

Midsummer/Litha: Cremation of Care, ritual sodomy, and major bacchanal feast of the year;

Lughnasadh: Fire festival featuring Human Sacrifice

Mabon: Harvest festival


The world wars outlined by Pike and Mazzini, the respective heads of American and European Masonry. The letter was on display at the British museum until 1960, then it disappeared. When it was found it prompted the Pope to ban Masons from being Catholics


Find out about the Petro Dollar, CLICK HERE



Click on the image to know the true secret!

Samhain/Halloween: Most important festival of the year, 3 days of human sacrifices, their new year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest.

You may be wondering where do all these human sacrifices come from? Some come from here: Missing 411


The Perils of Circular Reasoning CLICK HERE


Learn about global warning  inaccuracies from the Great Lakes

NOAA Monitoring system


Read about

 "The 33 unanswered qustions about sandy hook"


Operation Fishbowl: Watch us throw atom bombs at the Van Allen Radiation Belt


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Hear Nixon take us off the Gold Standard




Okapi thought to be a chmera



Enhance Your Immune System



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